Halloween was especially frightening for two young assault victims in Virginia last month. According to cbsnews.com, a mob of Virginia teenagers attacked a 15-year-old and 17-year-old as they trick-or-treated around Dale City.
A spokesperson for the Prince William County Police Department said the group of five teens had a handgun when they approached the two boys. The aggressors demanded the boys’ candy. The two victims did not comply and the group assaulted them. Fortunately, the two boys escaped their attackers with only minor injuries.
Police arrested four juveniles and one adult in connection with the Halloween night attack. Authorities charged the group with assault by a mob and robbery. The attack occurred about 35 miles outside of DC. Overall, Halloween Night was memorable for the wrong reasons around The District.
Six people were victims of gunshots on Halloween Night across DC. Two of the victims were teenagers. None of the gunshots was fatal, however. In addition, DC police broke up a fight at the Foggy Bottom Metro Station around 4:00 a.m. Despite the Halloween night violence, a police spokesperson said that violent crime is on a downward trend in DC.
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Koonz, McKenney, Johnson & DePaolis L.L.P.
Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia Injury Attorneys
Approved by attorney Peter DePaolis