What Is Contributory Negligence and How Might It Affect Your Maryland Personal Injury Case?

Most states have implemented a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence which allows personal injury plaintiffs to still claim damages even though they were partially to blame. A small handful of other states employ something called contributory negligence, which invalidates a plaintiff's claim entirely if he or she were even a little...

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A Law Firm Dedicated to Helping the Injured, One Client at a Time

At Koonz, McKenney, Johnson & DePaolis L.L.P., we have represented people in all facets of personal injury litigation for over a quarter century. Our Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia injury lawyers protect the rights of workers, and speak out for those hurt by defective products, exposure to dangerous substances—such as asbestos—or hazardous work places. We work...

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Road Rage: A Growing Problem on American Roadways

“Road rage” is a budding problem among frustrated drivers, and can include rude movements, calling out insults or deliberately driving in a threatening, dangerous way. Sadly, too many of us have seen or heard of this kind antagonistic behavior by a driver. Over 1,200 cases of road rage are reported every year, many leading to...

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