Nursing homes are meant to be an environment where the elderly feel safe and their family members can rest assured that their loved one is receiving the medical treatment and assistance they require. The thought of staff abusing or neglecting a resident is unimaginable. Unfortunately, it is an everyday reality for hundreds of thousands of people over the age of 60 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you are involved in or suspect a loved one is experiencing nursing home abuse or nursing home neglect in Northern Virginia, you do have options. Please contact the personal injury law firm of Koonz McKenney Johnson & DePaolis LLP. We have a team of highly qualified nursing home abuse lawyers ready to discuss your case and protect your rights. Schedule a free consultation today.
Why Choose Our Firm?
- We have more than 38 years of experience protecting the rights of innocent victims who have suffered abuse.
- We will treat you with the respect and dignity that you deserve.
- There’s never a fee unless we get recover compensation for you.
What is Nursing Home Abuse in Northern Virginia?
Abuse can come in various forms:
Physical abuse: Any intentional act of harm, including assault, battery, sexual assault, misuse of physical constraints.
Emotional abuse: Verbal abuse, intentionally humiliating, ignoring or isolating,
Financial exploitation: Taking, misusing or concealing funds, assets or personal property
Neglect: Failure to provide needs such as clean living conditions, necessary health care, and adequate food and water.
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Northern Virginia
Physical Abuse:
Unexplained injuries, such as:
- Bruises
- Broken bones
- Abrasions
- Burns
Emotional Abuse:
- Fearful of caregivers
- Anxiety
- Depression or social withdrawal
- Unexplained changes in moods or personality
- Hesitating to speak openly
- Refusing to see family members or close friends
Sexual Abuse:
- Pain, injuries or bleeding of the genitals
- Torn, stained or bloody undergarments
- Unexplained sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Signs of Neglect:
- Dehydration or malnourishment
- Bed sores or skin ulcers
- Dirty clothing,
- Poor hygiene
- Unsanitary living conditions
Who is Liable for Nursing Home Abuse in Northern Virginia?
The nursing home facility is liable if any of the following causes harm to the resident: understaffing, negligent hiring, lack of training, medication errors, or any failure to meet federal regulations and state laws.
The facility can also be liable for injuries that employees cause while working. Any contractors and other third parties hired by the nursing home may also face liability for abuse or neglect of a resident. For instance, if a facility has employed a private security firm and a resident is injured by a guest or another resident, the firm may be liable for negligence.
When Should You File A Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit in Northern Virginia?
Living in nursing homes may make some residents feel as if they must do what they are told without exercising their rights for fear of retaliation. However, this is simply not true.
Educating your family member about how making his or her concerns known will not lead to more abuse and, in fact, could put an end to it is crucial to making sure you become aware of any problems before they result in harm to your loved one. Equally as important is involving an experienced nursing home attorney who handles abuse claims who can immediately begin taking actions to ensure that the safety of your loved one living in a DC nursing home or care facility in Virginia or Maryland is never compromised.
What are the Regulations for Northern Virginia to Avoid Nursing Home Neglect?
The law entitles patients staying in nursing homes to respect, comfortable living environments and rights to the following:
- The right to privacy
- The right to access people outside of the nursing home
- The right to quality treatment provided without discrimination
- The right to participate in organizations and activities of his or her choice
- The right to private communication
If a nursing home or long-term care facility unjustly denies their residents these rights, it may lead to nursing home neglect or abuse. When this happens, it is your legal right to hold a nursing home and its staff accountable for the harm they caused your loved one in a nursing home abuse lawsuit.
Failing to follow other important safety regulations for nursing homes is also the primary cause of serious, and many times deadly, nursing home falls and medication errors.
How Do I Report a Northern Virginia Nursing Home for Neglect?
It can be overwhelming figuring out what to do if you suspect your loved one is not receiving proper care in a nursing home. Many times, the most helpful first step is to discuss your situation with nursing home abuse lawyers in Washington, D.C., Virginia or Maryland who can investigate and give free legal advice about your best options. However, one thing is certain, if you suspect that your loved one is the victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, do not wait to get this person the aid he or she needs.
To discuss your ability to seek compensation for medical expenses and other damages by filing a nursing home abuse lawsuit, reach out to the nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers at our personal injury law firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation discussion of what you and your family is going through.
Reasons to Hire Our Attorneys
Nursing homes are often represented by insurance companies that are eager to deny or do away with claims of abuse quickly and typically with an inconsiderable settlement offer. An experienced nursing home abuse lawyer has an understanding of the regulations governing the industry and will know which laws are applicable in order to obtain the maximum amount of compensation. Through a thorough investigation, evidence that is critical to validating your claim will be gathered on your behalf. Negotiations with the insurance company will be skillfully handled for you and if a fair settlement is unattainable, you will have representation in court.
Contact Our Northern Virginia Nursing Home Abuse Law Office Today!
If you or a loved one is in immediate physical danger, notify local law enforcement or call Adult Protective Services. Once safe, contact Koonz McKenney Johnson & DePaolis LLP so that one of our highly experienced nursing home abuse lawyers may discuss your legal options of obtaining compensation for your suffering. Contact our office today!