If you have a loved one in a nursing home, it may be a good idea to take note of some changes that are occurring when it comes to a popular review system.
A Change to the Nursing Home Rating System
According to the Baltimore Sun, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which maintains the Nursing Home Compare rating system, said that it would now begin to include information in its system about the use of anti-psychotic medication at facilities.
As we reported in our blog last fall, the government has begun to pay close attention to antipsychotic medications being prescribed at nursing homes after a study found that “88 percent of Medicare claims for antipsychotics prescribed in nursing homes were for treating symptoms of dementia, even though the drugs aren’t approved for that.”
It is expected that the ratings for many homes may decrease because of the change. In addition to the medication documentation in ratings, the system will also take into account staffing levels each quarter by using information that can be verified through facility payroll systems.
Speaking to an Attorney About Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect
Remember, prior to placing your loved one in a nursing home, it may be a good idea to make sure that the facility has a good reputation for care. It is not uncommon for residents to suffer from bedsores and malnutrition due to abuse or neglect, and issues like medical malpractice, poor medical care and/or prescription drug errors at facilities that have bad performance records.
If this is something you believe that your loved one has experienced, you may want to speak to an attorney, as he or she may be entitled to damages. Visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for more information about personal injury law.
Koonz, McKenney, Johnson & DePaolis L.L.P.