Personal injury attorney Julie Heiden goes through a scenario in which someone dies base off of a work related accident. In this case a surviving spouse and the children would be entitled to workers compensation benefits and lost wage benefits. Heiden explains how she would always recommend the help of an attorney in these trying times. An attorney knows what benefits you are entitled to and how to help you get them all properly. A consultation is always free for a workers compensation claim so if you or a loved one find yourself in a similar situation contact an attorney at the Koonz law firm.
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If an individual dies as a result of a work-related accident the beneficiaries would be entitled to receive workers compensation benefits. So the surviving spouse and the surviving children would be entitled to lost wage benefits. For the children, so long as they’re enrolled in school full-time and they are younger than the age of 23 they would be entitled to benefits. If an individual died at work I would recommend their beneficiaries seek the help and the assistance of an attorney to help them get benefits because once again who gets which benefit and how long you get those benefits becomes crucial to protecting the decedent’s family. For our firm we do not charge individuals to meet with us to discuss their potential workers compensation cases, our firm only seeks compensation if we are able to get benefits for the injured worker, it’s a system called the contingency fee system, so if we are unable to succeed in getting the injured worker benefits we do not seek a fee in connection with their case. For more information please go to our website