Car Accidents

Is Maryland a No-Fault State?

When you experience a car accident because of someone else's negligent behavior, it goes without saying that you should receive financial compensation for your damages. In the state of Maryland, seeking such compensation starts with understanding if Maryland is a no-fault state for motor vehicle accidents.

Maryland crash data...

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10 Ways to Prevent a Car Accident

It can be terrifying to be involved in a car crash. There are ways to prevent many of the collisions that happen every day on our streets and highways. In this blog, we will cover some of the top suggestions for how to avoid getting involved and injured in a car crash....

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What to Do After a Rental Car Accident

Getting involved in a car accident in a rental car can involve some complexities in addition to the standard issues that can arise after any other type of car accident. One of the first things you need to check into is the insurance coverage on the car. Sorting out which policy covers...

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The Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents

Speeding, distracted driving, and running stop signs and red lights cause many motor vehicle collisions. This article will cover those and some of the other things that frequently lead to crashes. Awareness of these factors can help you avoid car accidents. 

Sometimes, no matter how cautious you were, the...

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