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What Are Caught In-Between Hazards?

There are many moving or collapsable elements at a construction site. Heavy equipment and falling rubble are just a couple of broad examples of caught in-between hazards that can cause a worker to become trapped or severely injured at a moment's notice.

At Koonz, McKenney, Johnson & DePaolis, LLP,...

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What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

Most people have heard that an attorney can help you obtain compensation after an injury-producing accident and wondered what kinds of cases personal injury lawyers handle. Personal injury is a branch of law that allows qualifying individuals to seek compensation for physical, psychological, or emotional injuries, and most of these cases are...

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What Causes Most Rear-End Accidents?

Most drivers are aware of how common rear-end accidents are and have likely had several close calls themselves. For those looking to increase their own safety or gather necessary information for filing an accident claim, the question arises as to what causes most rear-end accidents.

At Koonz, McKenney, Johnson...

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Where Do Most Crashes Happen?

Vehicle collisions can occur almost anywhere, including driveways and parking lots. Of course, roadways are where the greater number of vehicle-related deaths and serious injuries take place.

You can drive more defensively when you maintain awareness of where most crashes happen. Wherever a crash occurs, if another driver’s negligence...

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