Anne Arundel Police No Longer Allowed to Use Cell Phones While Driving

Recently, Maryland made handheld cell phone use while driving a primary offense, which means drivers can get pulled over at any time and ticketed; however, police officers are exempt from the new law. This has caused anger and concern from Maryland’s citizens, and Anne Arundel County Police Chief Kevin Davis says he agrees. "I don't...

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Driver Strikes and Kills Cyclist in Front Of High School in Woodridge

[ubermenu-map address="Woodridge, IL" zoom="14" width="375px" height="375px"] According to Prince William County Police, a 66-year-old cyclist was riding down a sidewalk outside of Hylton High School when a 17-year-old driver jumped the curb and struck him. The young driver eventually struck a light pole, dragging the cyclist over 150 feet. The 66-year-old man was pronounced dead...

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