Bicycle Accidents

How Can I Avoid a Bicycle Accident?

Unfortunately, there are times when cyclists do everything they can to prevent an accident from occurring, but a negligent driver still strikes him or her. cycling Bicycle accidents can have devastating consequences, including death and catastrophic injuries, like traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones and...

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How Does Contributory Negligence Affect Bicycle and Pedestrian Accident Victims?

As we have reported in our newsletters, Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland all have contributory negligence laws that make it difficult for accident victims to recover damages. These laws prevent injured persons from holding another person liable if the injured person slightly contributed to an accident. For example, persons involved in a Read More

How Can Drivers Avoid Bicycle Accidents?

As we have reportedly previously in our blog, bicycle accidents have devastating consequences, including death and serious personal injuries, like broken bones, head injuries and spinal cord injuries. Sadly, in 2011, drivers killed almost 700 bicyclists across the country in accidents. This is a number that we would like to see reduced through drivers and...

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Head Injuries Rise in Cities with Bike Share Programs but No Helmets

The Washington Post recently shared a study comparing data for bicyclists in five cities. Researchers revealed a 7.8 percent increase in head injuries after bike share programs were initiated in those cities, compared to five cities with no such programs, which actually showed head injuries declining by 2.3...

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Study Shows DC’s Suburbs are Less Safe For Pedestrians Than in the City

According to the Washington City Paper, Washington, D.C. is one of the safest places in the US for pedestrian activity; however, the streets of DC’s suburbs are a different story. The National Complete Streets Coalition recently released a report analyzing the dangers to pedestrians in metropolitan areas across the US. According to the report, Washington,...

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Pedestrian Accidents and Deaths Becoming a Growing Issue in Washington DC

According to The Washington Post, hundreds of individuals in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area are struck by vehicles annually, and 82 pedestrians are killed on average. A recent study conducted by the National Complete Street Coalition showed that many older cities like Washington, D.C. experienced higher rates of pedestrian fatalities, with 20 percent of all...

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