What Are the Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury?

By Peter DePaolis

Catastrophic accidents can leave victims with severe and life-changing injuries. One example is a traumatic brain injury, or TBI. The consequences of a TBI are serious and can last a lifetime. That, in turn, spells reduced quality of life, significant losses in future earning ability, and of course major medical bills. If you have a loved one in Maryland who has suffered a TBI after an accident, he or she may be eligible for monetary compensation. So what are some signs and symptoms to look for?

First, it should be noted that a TBI is not simply a “head injury.” It’s a disruption of normal brain activity and functioning that follows some sort of physical trauma. There are innumerable causes of TBIs, but some of the most common ones include slips and falls, automobile accidents, and workplace accidents.

Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Symptoms may start out mild and worsen with time. Or they may not even be apparent for weeks or months after an injury. Some of the signs that someone has suffered a TBI include:

  • Severe or recurring headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty comprehending or concentrating
  • Slurred speech
  • Chronic pain
  • Uncontrollable emotional outbursts
  • Depression

Properly diagnosing and treating a TBI requires seeing a doctor right away after an accident, even if these signs are not yet evident. No two TBIs are alike, so a comprehensive list of symptoms is not possible. However, the more your doctor knows about the accident, and the sooner he or she can examine the victim, the better. You should also report any changes in the victim’s condition and follow the doctor’s instructions.

How the symptoms manifest themselves can also vary from one victim to another. For instance, speech and vision problems are common, but they can occur in different ways. Pain and fatigue may also be present, but the types and degrees can depend largely on the nature of the accident. The TBI may or may not affect the victim’s ability to care for others or him- or herself.

The emotional symptoms of TBIs are sometimes overlooked, but they can be just as serious. In fact, the victim’s entire personality may even change after suffering a TBI. Irritability, increased negativity, and depression are common, and they can replace a person’s natural joy or optimism. Mood swings, aggression, and uncontrollable outbursts can also alter a person’s closest family relationships.

These and related symptoms may mean significant medical bills for the rest of the victim’s life. He or she might not be able to perform the same daily tasks as before. Paying attention, learning, and retaining new information will also become difficult. Job functions may become impossible to perform. All of these can affect the victim’s current and future career prospects.

Contact Our Maryland Personal Injury Attorney Today

No one should have to suffer a TBI. And if it was the result of another person’s negligence, the victim deserves compensation from the liable party. While legal action can never undo the consequences of a traumatic brain injury, it can help meet the victim’s medical needs and provide a measure of justice for the likely permanent life changes he or she will experience.

If you believe that someone you love has suffered a TBI through a catastrophic accident, let the team at  Koonz McKenney Johnson & DePaolis LLP work with you today. Give us a call to learn more.

About the Author
Peter DePaolis joined the firm in 1980 and has since represented a large number of individuals involved in automobile collisions, truck accidents, bus crashes, defective products, and medical malpractice cases. A significant portion of Mr. DePaolis’ practice is devoted to working on behalf of people suffering from asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related cancers. He has led his firm’s fight against the asbestos industry and has recovered over $30 million in damages for asbestos victims and their families.