A nine-year-old male student in the third grade at Randle Highlands Elementary in southeast DC claims two other male students sexually assaulted him this past February. The victim said he was working at a computer when the two alleged attackers began taunting him. The boy claims one boy dropped his pants while the other alleged attacker forced his head into the other’s exposed groin region. The incident happened in front of a substitute teacher. The victim was unsuccessful at getting the teacher’s attention because one of the attackers covered his mouth.
The victim’s mother is upset that school officials do not seem to be doing enough in response to her son’s allegations. A spokesperson for the school district said in a statement that she could not comment as the investigation in ongoing at the time. The victim’s mother said her goal is for her son to attend another school.
Anyone who is a sexual assault victim should immediately contact law enforcement. The local and/or state authorities can bring swift criminal charges against the attacker. A victim should also contact an experienced Washington, D.C. personal injury attorney to discuss civil proceedings against the attacker.